Harry Barnes (Johnny Sombrero) court decision
Back in July, I posted about the case of Harry [...]
Back in July, I posted about the case of Harry [...]
Ken from Alberta asks: I am a lawful owner of [...]
Julian Fantino promised to continue to oppose the long-gun registry, a measure he called “an obscene waste of taxpayers’ money.”
Ammunition capacity will not affect the classification of a firearm.
B.G. asks: Does ammunition capacity affect the restricted/non-restricted classification of a firearm?
Firearms lawyer Solomon Friedman appeared on the Charles Adler Show (Sun News Network) on August 12, 2011.
A gun collector who was arrested outside his east-end apartment during a midnight raid has launched a $6.5-million lawsuit against the Toronto police, his former landlords and a tipster.
The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one [...]
Joe asked: I have heard that there is an offence [...]
There is no way to rule innocent men. The only [...]