Storage and Transportation

The laws regarding the storage and transportation of firearms by individuals (not businesses) vary by the class of firearm – non-restricted, restricted or prohibited.
Click here to download the RCMP pamphlet summarizing these laws. Keep a copy in your range bag, gun box or with your hunting gear.
- Must be unloaded.
- Must be secured by a locking device so that it cannot be fired or must be locked into a room or container that is hard to break into.
- Exception: An unloaded non-restricted firearm can be stored temporarily (separate from ammunition) if it is needed for predator control.
- Vehicle storage: Gun must be locked in the trunk area or other similar compartment. If vehicle does not have such a compartment, the firearm must be put out of sight and the vehicle locked securely.
- Must be unloaded.
- Must be unloaded.
- Must be secured by a locking device (e.g. trigger lock) so that it cannot be fired and must be locked into a room or container that is hard to break into; or must be locked in a safe/vault (if locked in a safe, there is no need for a secure locking device).
- Vehicle storage: Locked container with firearm must be locked in the trunk area or other similar compartment. If vehicle does not have such a compartment, the container must be put out of sight and the vehicle locked securely.
- Individual must obtain an Authorization to Transport permit.
- Must be unloaded.
- Must be secured by a locking device (e.g. trigger lock) and locked inside an opaque (non see-through) container that cannot easily be broken into (e.g. gun case).
- Must be unloaded.
- Must be secured by a locking device (e.g. trigger lock) so that it cannot be fired and must be locked into a room or container that is hard to break into; or must be locked in a safe/vault (if locked in a safe, there is no need for a secure locking device).
- Vehicle storage: Locked container with firearm must be locked in the trunk area or other similar compartment. If vehicle does not have such a compartment, the container must be put out of sight and the vehicle locked securely.
- Automatic firearm: The bolt or bolt carrier must be removed (if removable) and locked in a separate room that is hard to break into.
- Individual must obtain an Authorization to Transport permit.
- Must be unloaded.
- Must be secured by a locking device (e.g. trigger lock) and locked inside an opaque (non see-through) container that cannot easily be broken into (e.g. gun case).
- Automatic firearm: The bolt or bolt carrier must be removed (if removable) and stored separately.

Successful Cases
Succesfully Defended Client Charged with Drug Charges
Charges Withdrawn
Charges Acquitted due to Unlawful Search
Defended Client from Seizure and Inability to Possess Firearms
Defended Client Facing Imprisonment for Possession of an Automatic Weapon
Sentence Reduced
Successfully Expunged Drug Possession with Intent to Sell Charges
Charges Stayed
DUI Charges Dismissed!
Successful Criminal Defense
and Appeal Case