Firearms Law Canada aims to provide gun owners with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding Canadian firearms law available on the Internet. Where individuals can face the possibility of criminal sanctions for failing to comply with the law, it is essential that all firearms owners have access to the resources they need to understand Canada’s firearms control provisions.
Resources currently include:
- Legislation
- Licencing process
- Categories of firearms
- Storage and transportation
- Information for Americans
- Criminal justice directory
- Useful links
This section of the site will continue to be updated with timely legislation, regulation and policy as well as other resources for current and aspiring firearm owners.
If there is a specific area of the law that you would like addressed, please let me know.

Successful Cases
Succesfully Defended Client Charged with Drug Charges
Charges Withdrawn
Charges Acquitted due to Unlawful Search
Defended Client from Seizure and Inability to Possess Firearms
Defended Client Facing Imprisonment for Possession of an Automatic Weapon
Sentence Reduced
Successfully Expunged Drug Possession with Intent to Sell Charges
Charges Stayed
DUI Charges Dismissed!
Successful Criminal Defense
and Appeal Case