
Sun News: Government Grabbing Guns

Here is my recent interview, which aired just before the Brazeau/Trudeau charity boxing match. I discuss the gun registry, gun control and…

13 years ago

Senate committee hearing – Solomon’s last word

Solomon Friedman refutes Wendy Cukier's claim that examples of otherwise law-abiding citizens being arrested and charged under the Firearms Act…

13 years ago

More clips from the Senate Committee hearing

Selected video clips from Solomon Friedman's testimony on Bill C-19 before the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs.

13 years ago

Toronto Sun: Long-gun registry almost long gone

A recent article in the Toronto Sun about the impending end of the long-gun registry critically addressed some of the…

13 years ago

Solomon Friedman at the Senate of Canada

On March 15, 2012, I appeared before the Senate of Canada's Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs to discuss…

13 years ago

Even without Bill C-30, police have considerable search powers

Solomon Friedman discusses the extensive powers of the police to search homes, seize items and intercept private communications.

13 years ago

Byline – A "reprimand" for carelessly storing a handgun?

Solomon Friedman discusses the case of Victoria police chief Jamie Graham on Byline with Brian Lilley.

13 years ago

BYLINE: Way off target

Criminal lawyer Solomon Friedman looks at the legal issues behind the government's confiscation of Canadian weapons, with or without just…

13 years ago

Armi Jager AP-80

As reported in the media, the RCMP has issued confiscation notice for lawfully-owned Armi Jager AP-80 .22 caliber rifles. Here…

13 years ago

"Gun Registry Injustice" on BYLINE

In this piece, the first media hit on the RCMP .22 caliber confiscation fiasco, I give some perspective on the…

13 years ago