Firearms owners in Canada are faced with a complex system of legislation, regulation and policy. Laws passed by successive federal governments, often at cross-purposes with each other, have created a legal minefield for hunters, target shooters and collectors.
This website, created and maintained by Ottawa criminal defence lawyer Solomon Friedman, seeks to provide Canadians with the resources they need to understand and comply with Canada’s firearms laws.
In addition, the blog will raise timely firearms law issues and hopefully stimulate informative debate and discussion.
Succesfully Defended Client Charged with Drug Charges
Charges Withdrawn
Charges Acquitted due to Unlawful Search
Defended Client from Seizure and Inability to Possess Firearms
Defended Client Facing Imprisonment for Possession of an Automatic Weapon
Sentence Reduced
Successfully Expunged Drug Possession with Intent to Sell Charges
Charges Stayed
DUI Charges Dismissed!
Successful Criminal Defense
and Appeal Case